Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Qualification of hollow sampler / thief sampler / sampling device

The objective of this protocol is to demonstrate the capability of Sampling Device for its intended application to deliver sampling and acceptable cleaning level.


Prior to qualification, sampling device shall be cleaned as per procedure defined below
a)      Dismantle hollow pipes and end cap of the sampling device.

b)      Inspect all parts of sampling device for corrosion, if any.

c)      Flush all parts of sampling device with purified water till removal of any extraneous matter.

d)      Prepare 10% v/v Nitric Acid Solution (HNO3) and kept the sampling device in Nitric Acid Solution for 8 hours

e)      Drain the acid solution and clean the device, inner and outside with sufficient qty of water.

f)       Collect the rinse samples of water and check the pH of water with pH meter (pH Limit - Between 6.0 and 7.0).

g)      If pH found within the limit, follow step no (i) and onwards.

h)      If pH not within the limit, follow steps (e) and (f) till the pH is found within the limit.  

i)        Inspect all parts of sampler, visually for removal of extraneous matter,

j)        Dry all parts of sampling device at room temperature or using hot air drier.

k)      Assemble the sampling device.      

Check the size and dimensions with calibrated measuring device e.g. measuring tap, scale etc and record. Check the smoothness of the surfaces. Check the MOC of sampling device against the certificate provided by vendor

Performance qualification:

Check the volume capacity by pouring the water in hollow sampling device and collect in empty beaker and weight.

Calculation formula for weight (A): weight of water x density of water
The observed weight shell be within the ± 15 % of theoretical capacity. Theoretical capacity shall be taken from vendor in cc or ml.

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