Who are the Responsibial for Process Validation?
The QC, QA, Production and some where Regulatory
Approach for Process Validation: Process validation
involves a series of activities taking place over the lifecycle of the product
and process. This guidance describes process validation activities in three
Process Design: The Exhibit / Commercial batch / production batch manufacturing
process is defined during this stage based on knowledge gained through
development and scale-up activities.
Stage-2: Process Qualification: During this stage, the process design is evaluated to
determine if the process is capable of reproducible Exhibit / Commercial batch /
production batch manufacturing.
Continued Process Verification: Ongoing assurance is gained during routine
production that the process remains in a state of control.
Process Design:
Process Design activity shall be carried out at R&D or Process Development Lab of company in the form of
development activity for lab scale or pilot batch for API and intermediate
stages. Process Design should capture the functionally, suitability and
limitations of manufacturing equipments, experimental study with different lots
and / or different vendor for KSM and raw materials of API and intermediate
stages. Process Design should capture the yield variation, selection of vendor
for KSM, determined the critical process parameters, supporting stability data
of API and Intermediate stages. Based on that Batch Manufacturing Record shall be prepared for exhibt batches / Production batches.
Definition for
Production Batch: A batch of a drug substance manufactured at production
scale by using production equipment in a production facility as specified in
Batch Manufacturing Record.
Definition for Pilot
scale Batch: A batch of a drug substance manufactured by a procedure fully
representative of and simulating that to be applied to a full production scale
batch. . The pilot scale is generally, at a minimum, one-tenth that of a full
production scale.
Definition for
Laboratory scale Batch: A batch smaller than pilot scale that is manufactured
for development purposes.
Process Validation contributes significantly to assuring drug quality.
The basic principle of quality assurance is that a drug should be produced for
its intended use. This principle incorporates the understanding that the
following conditions exist:
- Quality, safety, and efficacy are designed or built into the product
- Each step of a manufacturing process is controlled to assure that the finished product meets all quality attributes including specifications.
When Process Validation to be performed?
Process Validation shall be performed in following criteria:
- Product to be manufactured first time in manufacturing facility.
- Change in manufacturing area within the facility.
- Change in manufacturing facility within the location
- Product to be transferred from one location of other location of company or Process Development Lab to manufacturing facility.
- Change in route of synthesis of existing validated process
- Change in key starting material of existing validated process
- Change in source of key starting material of existing validated process
- Change in unlike and critical process equipments in existing validated process (e.g Tray Dryer is replacing with Rota Cone Vacuum Dryer)
- Change in in-put qty. of raw materials
- Removal or addition of intermediate stage in existing validated process even though ROS (route of synthesis) remain same with existing validated process.
- Change in purification solvents of API.
- Change in batch size more than 10 fold of validated process
Minimum three consecutive API batches
shall be selected for Prospective Process Validation. The batch size of the exhibit batch shall be less
than the commercial batch size.
The following parameters shall be similar in selected API batches and
there intermediates stages for Process Performance Qualification or Prospective Process Validation:
Batch Size of API and its
Intermediate stages
Input qty. of Raw materials
& Key Starting Materials
Source of input Raw materials
& Key Starting Materials
Manufacturing area and facility
Supporting utilities
Manufacturing Process
Evaluation specification
At the end of process validation batches (PPQ), commercial batches shall
be manufactured. The batch size for commercial batches shall not exceed the 10
times from the exhibit batches. PPQ shall be considered as successful after satisfactory completion of
six months stability data for Accelerated Condition (40° ± 2°C / 75% ± 5% RH)
and Long Term Condition (25°C ± 2°C / 60% ± 5% RH) of selected batches.
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