Sunday, 8 December 2013

Cleaning Validation Pharma

Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceuticals  

Cleaning Validattion In Pharma,  Purpose: To describe the procedure for carrying out cleaning validation for manufacturing equipment for the change over of the drug substance or drug intermediate
Prior to conducting a cleaning validation study on a drug substance or drug intermediate, cleaning media or solvent shall be selected for cleaning of equipments and Analytical methodology.
Approach for selection of cleaning media or solvent
The selection of the cleaning media shall be carried out based on following, and shall be documented in Analytical Method Validation Protocol and Report.

  1. Solubility criteria
  2. Solvent selection shall be derived from manufacturing process.
  3. Based on the available literature or available information on the internet.
  4. More cleaning effectiveness with optimum qty. 
  5. Less hazardous
  6. Cost effectiveness
  7. Easy to handle and available.
  8. Past experience about the process

Approach for cleaning method validation

After selection of cleaning media, Analytical Method Validation Protocol shall be executed for Cleaning Method validation and selected solvent shall be used for the same
Following parameters shall be cover in Method Validation
  1. Selection of wavelength for cleaning samples on UV or HPLC
  2. System precision
  3. Method Precision
  4. Linearity
  5. Limit of Detection (LOD)
  6. Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
  7. Solution stability of standard solution
  8. Ruggedness
  9. Swab recovery study
Procedure for to determined the cleaning method validation
Selection of wavelength:
Prepare the working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate according to its acceptance criteria.
UV: Scan the working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate in the range of 200-400 nm in UV-Visible spectrophotometer, observe the maxima absorbance at the wavelength. The wavelength shall be selected and fixed for the Analytical Method Validation for cleaning.
Note: if the absorbance of target concentration exceeds 1.00 Abs, value then UV method should not be considered for analysis. Alternative test procedure should be followed.
HPLC: Validated “Assay by HPLC” method shall be selected for the evaluation of the cleaning samples. If no validated analytical method for quantification is available then the cleaning method validation shall be performed and used.
System Precision:
UV/ Visible Spectrophotometer: Measure the six absorbances of working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate at fixed or established wavelength. Calculate the % RSD of the absorbance. The % RSD should not be more than 10%.
HPLC: Follow the validated “Assay by HPLC”, set the chromatographic condition on HPLC and  inject the six replicate of working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate. Measure the area response of the main peak of six replicate. Calculate the % RSD of the area response of main peak. The % RSD should not be more than 10%
Method Precision:
UV/ Visible Spectrophotometer:  Prepare the working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate according to its acceptance criteria by weighing six times separately and perform the measurements by UV. Calculate the % RSD of the absorbance. The % RSD should not be more than 10%
HPLC : Prepare separately six working standard solutions, inject individually and measure the area response of the main peak. Calculate the % RSD of the area response of main peak. The % RSD should not be more than 10%.
UV/ Visible Spectrophotometer: Prepare the working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate in singlet of different concentration such as 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100 and 120% (minimum five different concentration shall be required) with respect to the concentration of system precision solution.  Measure the absorbance in three replicate of each concentration. calculate the linearity curve correlation coefficient (R2) between average absorbance of each working standard solution Vs Actual concentration of standard solution. The correlation coefficient (R2) should not be less than 0.99.
HPLC: Prepare the working standard solution of drug substance or intermediate in singlete of different concentration such as 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100 and 120% (minimum five different concentration shall be required) with respect to the concentration of system precision solution.  Measure the area response of thr three replicate of each concentration. calculate the linearity curve correlation coefficient (R2) between mean area response of each working standard solution Vs Actual concentration of standard solution. The correlation coefficient (R2) should not be less than 0.99.
Limit of Detection (LOD):
The lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be detected but not necessarily quantified under the stated experimental condition. The limit of detection will be evaluated based on the standard deviation of the response and slope.
The detection limit may express as:
          3.3 x δ
DL = ------------
S = the slope of the calibration curve
δ = standard error of the linear regression
The calibration curve should be studied using samples containing an analyte in the range of DL. The standard error of the linear regression (STEYX) is used as standard deviation and it can be calculated by Microsoft Excel.
Theoretical calculate the LOD value based on the above formula and performed six replicate measurements at LOD level, calculate the %RSD. The % RSD should not be more than 10.0%.
Limit of Quantitation (LOQ): The limit of quantitation is the lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be quantified with acceptable precision and accuracy under the stated experimental conditions. The limit of quantitation will be evaluated based on the standard deviation of the response and slope.
The quantitation limit may expressed as:
          10 x δ
QL = ------------
S = the slope of the calibration curve
δ = standard error of the linear regression
The calibration curve should be studies using samples containing an analyte in the range of DL. The standard error of the linear regression (STEYX) is used as standard deviation and it can be calculated by Microsoft Excel. 
Theoretically calculate the LOQ value based on the above formula and perform six replicate measurements at LOQ level, calculate the %RSD. The % RSD should not be more than 10.0%.
Solution stability of standard solution: Prepare the standard solution of drug substance or intermediate according to its  acceptance criteria and store at ambient temperature and perform the measurement at ambient condition for 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours. The percentage degradation should not be more than 10%.
Ruggedness: Prepare the standard solution of drug substance or intermediate according to its  acceptance criteria by two different analyst and perform the measurements in triplicate. The relative standard deviation for triplicate analysis and also overall  relative standard deviation should not be more than 10%.
Swab recovery study: The swab recovery shall be carried out by preparing the standard solution of known amount of analyte. It should be performed each on  Glass / SS plate of 100 cm2. The recovery from Glass / SS surface shall not be less than 80%.
Spike the solution on the glass or stainless steel plate as per following method

Approach for setting acceptance criteria:
The approaches for setting the acceptance criteria for cleaning are as following:
1.        No visible residue should be found on the equipment surface, after cleaning is performed.
2.        Based on the MAR calculation: MAR (Maximum Allowable Residue) of the drug substance or intermediate in any other drug substance or intermediate, which to be manufactured in the same train of equipments.

MAR of                           Min. daily dosage of A (mg) x Min. Batch output of B (kg) x 106
Product A                    = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in Product B (in mg)            1000 (SF)  x  Maximum daily dosage of B (mg)


  1. Minimum daily dose (mg/day) of the investigated drug substance or intermediate / previous product.
  2. Minimum Batch size (kg) and maximum daily dose (mg/day) for the next product (s).
  3. The Safety Factor (SF) may be used for Topicals (10-100), Oral products (100-1000) and Parenterals ( 1000-10000). The MAR matrix helps in justifying the acceptance criteria for a cleaning validation.
If the MAR calculation method based on therapeutic doses, result in unacceptably high or irrelevant carryover figures, the approach of General limit: Not More Than 10 ppm may be suitable.
Total carry over (Rinse and Swab samples) of the previous product should be less than the MAR value.
The least value of the above approaches, shall be considered as a limit of cleaning. How ever the care should be taken that the selected limit should be approximately 2 times LOQ or higher, for the selected analytical method.

Identification of the sampling points for equipments:
Rational for selection of sampling points:
To choose the sampling points such that they represent worst case spots of the equipments. The worst case shall be defined based on:
Ø       Maximum product contact area of the equipments e.g  charging neck, side wall, shaft of stirrer, type of stirrer and bottom side or discharged out-let point of the equipments etc.
Ø       Design of the train of equipments

Type of cleaning samples 
Rinse Sample: Usually the API equipment shall be cleaned by several washing cycles (runs). Sometimes rinsing cycles/ runs (e.g. to rinse out the washing solvent) may follow the washing cycles. The quantitation of the amount of residue remaining in the equipment after cleaning shall be based on the last run of the routinely used cleaning procedure. The residue amount in the equipment can be assumed to be equal to the amount of residue in the last wash or rinse solvent portion. The assumption is based on the worst case consideration, that a further washing or rinsing run ( or any reaction ) would not wash  more than the same amount of residue out of the equipment as the analysed solvent portion.

Swab Sample: During the swab sampling usually a small area (10cm2) of the cleaned equipment is swabbed with a pre-defined material and method (sampling technique and solvent). Subsequently the swab is extracted and the extract examined  by a suitable validated analytical method. The swab point shall be selected, based on hardest to clean.

Risk Assessment